Total Health Reset Program
The Total Health Reset is our Signature Program!
It is a 9-Week supported evidence-based experience that teaches and walks your patient through a series of actions that helps them to optimize their health from a root-cause perspective.
It enables your patient to take a deep dive into deep cleaning, resetting, and rebalancing the systems in their body that are fundamental to preventing, slowing, stopping or reversing chronic health conditions, improving health outcomes, and optimizing health for a lifetime of improved vitality, quality, and performance.
We supply the Total Health Reset Course and optional support for you.
You supply the visits and any enhancements that help make it personal and effective.
Five things make this program work for your patients:​
1) A simple and straightforward structure.
2) A solid, evidence-based education.
3) The experience of making changes and seeing/feeling results.
4) Support, guidance and accountability.
5) Finishing with an attainable and sustainable Life Plan

Additional Support for Your Patient and You

Advanced Nutraceuticals
Sometimes supplementation is necessary to get the job done.. Advanced Nutraceuticals is The Functional Medicine Project's solution. This line of products has been formulated in ways to make the most impact on your patients' health.
Vetted personally by Dr. Laura Robin, Advanced Nutraceuticals provides the highest quality supplements for you to supply your patients, at a lower cost to you. Keep them in your office, or let your patients order them online through our store.
We know that quality of supplements matters, and if they don't get it from you they will find the cheapest option possible. That can do more harm than good! Your clinic and your patients deserve the best. We've done all the homework. Check out Advanced Nutraceuticals below.
Program Coaching
Let's face it, we all need help sometimes.
Most patients need the extra support and accountability that a health coach can provide. Often it can mean the difference between success and failure.
Setting goals, making changes, and identifying blockages can all be incredibly beneficial to a motivated patient. Having someone to guide them when things get challenging can save the day and keep them on course!
We are affiliated with MGHealthCo., Functional Medicine Certified Health Coaches who can help your patients reach their health goals and create lasting lifestyle changes.
Adding a package of coaching sessions to their Program really helps your patients with education, compliance, happiness and success!

Clinician Mentoring
The Transformational Boot Camp is a 24-Week Program designed to help you:
1) Thrive in community with expert and peer support;
2) Exude confidence and competency in your functional and humanistic approach to your patients;
3) Live and grow your dream practice with options including our game-changing Total Health Reset Course for your patients!
1) Community of small cohort, intensive education and individual consultation;
2) Mastering the basic 12-Key Approach to Functional (Root Cause) Medicine in Practice;
3) Mastering a practice that works for both YOU and your patients;
4) Whole, Humanistic approach to your practice;
5) Access to Game-Changing Total Health Reset Course for your patients;