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"Wins" From Our Former Patients

Maureen B

"Yay! I'm 10 years younger than I was 4 months ago!"


"More Energy. Better Cognition. No more leg pain!"


"My A1C went from 7.6 while on Metformin to 5.6 and totally off any diabetic medication!"


"Learning that I can not only help heal myself but also realize that its ok to put myself first!"


"I feel fabulous! At 6 weeks my rashes I have lived with for 5 years are gone and I am down 17 pounds. Happy Girl!"


"All my Heart risk factors have become GREEN (in the normal range). Yeah!"


"I was days away from getting a handicap plaque because my mobility was so bad. 6 months later I am getting my bike tuned up so I can ride with friends!"


"Blood sugar is NORMAL and NO more high blood pressure!"


"My win is: it's fun to be ME again! I feel better, I look better, and I am now prepared to age with dignity."


"Helped me resolve some autoimmune issues! Gave me the knowledge to maintain a health diet long-term - for life!"


"Anxiety is GONE! No more afternoon crash! SO MUCH BETTER!"


"My Ulcerative Colitis is in remission!"

Meet the Team

More Testimonials:  Patients

I started this process with my partner...he at 70 and me at 60...We feel this is the reset we both desperately needed to go into retirement healthy and happy.

Dan and Val

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